Thursday, July 12, 2007

Indonesian Wedding

Yesterday I was able to go to an Indonesian Wedding. First it was in a church and then to a house in the village where the reception was. At the reception they had really good food, but I saw the kitchen and I realized they cooked everything on the floor with a campfire. There was icecream, and sate (indonesian beef on a stick). When I had to go to the bathroom that was scary because their bathroom was basiclly a hole in the ground called a squatty-potty, with no toilet paper. I guess this is what most indonesian bathrooms are like. The flower girls were pretty and they didnt throw flowers but glitter and candy. I liked that part a lot, espically the candy. Today after lunch we are going camping, the missionary dads here and their kids, like my friend ely and Joshuas friend Parade are going. It will be so fun, we are even going to have a campfire. They dont have marshmallows here so no smores. I will write about that in a couple days. Thanks for reading!


christin joy said...

hi sweety! they have squatty potty's here too. so i know how that can be kind of weird, its a lot different from america huh? they have squatty potty type things in some public bathroom's too! kind of weird, huh! i'm glad you're experiencing so much unique and interesting culture and having a good time and i'm sure you're a big help for marie and charles. keep having fun. love you sweets! have fun camping!!!

<3 christin and bud.

Oppenheim said...

Hey B!

How fun! Sounds like you are having a much better time there than you would have had staying home!

The wedding sounds really fun, glitter and candy!

Sate! Yum! Your Dad loves Sate, so you'll have to make sure he can have some when he comes,,,

Okay, now Im going to go shopping to get some things on Maries wish list!

Lots of Love to you!

Snow said...

hey mom . yes we are having lots of fun.